About me

Hi there! 

Thanks for having a browse around my Art site. Let me fill you in on how I ended up here!! It will help you get to know me better as a person, which helps understand my outlook in my Art.

Born and raised in Hastings, New Zealand, I grew up heavily involved in Softball which took up a lot of my time during the summer. There were school teams, club teams, age group teams and HB representative teams. I have seen a lot of NZ by playing at more than a few softball diamonds in my time.

During winter it ended up being Netball. It wasn't my first choice. Why would I wear a short skirt in the middle of winter?? I tried Soccer. Didn't like the running. I tried Hockey. I kept getting hit with the ball and/or stick. So I had to settle for Netball. It was pretty good and so I played socially for a few years.

I took art as a subject in High School and if I remember correctly, I didn't even save enough work for my portfolio!! Ooops!! Fast forward to finishing High School, getting a job, and Art went down the list of priorities.

I started working in Admin for a few years, and then I felt like a change. (Yes, I'm a true Gemini! From one extreme to another!) I learnt hairdressing and felt like it seemed a good fit for me. Little did I realise, I just needed a creative outlet! I ended up owning the business in Hastings that I started in, and after 7 or 8 years, met the man of my dreams and sold up to get married and move over to Napier.

We got married and now we have two great girls. I was in, and out, and in again in the supermarket industry, and in my spare time I pottered around with some paints, inks and tried out some resin. My goodness! I really liked this resin stuff! I did heaps of research, did heaps of fails and a few successes. I took the leap.

In March 2020, I had my very first exhibition at Creative Arts Napier. I booked a small space in the gallery for 4 weeks. I felt proud, but scared, also excited, and a little apprehensive. Back then I was doing alcohol inks with resin top coats, and also doing resin pour paintings. I did a few coaster sets and also some paper pieces where I sliced the paper and rearranged them on board with a resin top coat. On the 2nd day, my largest piece sold. After one week, the gallery rang asking if I had any more pieces. I didn't know if I was elated or suddenly panicked! I have since had 6 more successful exhibitions at Creative Arts Napier, all further exploring the medium of resin.

In June 2023, my 18 pieces in the NZ Art Show held in Wellington, all found new homes on the opening day!! I'm still stunned by that! 18 pieces where people are enjoying the colour and feeling that these pieces embrace. And that is what it is all about. The feeling and the connection. Allowing others to connect. In a way they choose and feel. I guess that is my why. My creativity connecting with others.

They say that once you sell a piece, you must be an artist now. I still feel like I am an imposter at times. You know the feeling. Like you are the only one in the crowd wearing a fancy dress costume. Or walking a busy city street on the wrong side of the footpath! There is still that trepidation, that self doubt that creeps in, the wobbles in confidence. Why is that? I didn't go to University to do an Arts degree. Nor did I go to an art school or tertiary training. I have simply learnt my art by doing. Wanting to learn. Research. Trial and Error. Wanting to be different and having the freedom to see how far I can push the boundaries.

On the flip side, there is the quizzical look in their eyes, that sideways look at you with wonder, amazement, the 'how did you do that?' The feeling that total strangers can connect with a piece to the point that they want to have it on their wall. To see it every day. I hope they get enjoyment from it each time they look at it. That is my underlying purpose in creating these vibrant pieces. To give someone else a token of ongoing enjoyment, for others to create their own story with these pieces. From colour arises feeling. My overarching theme is to uplift and bring joy. From colour arises feeling.

This was not meant to be a novel.

So for 2022, one of my goals was to get a website up and running. Check.        For 2023, my goal was to just improve and streamline. Creating a solid base and grow my own artistic identity. Being confident enough to be unique. Check.        For 2024, my goal is to geographically expand my wings even further. 

Thank you to my husband Craig. You have been my biggest cheerleader, your belief in me gives me so much strength and courage to do this and I love you even more for that. To our two girls, you are both so honest with your art critic opinions... Don't change!!

To all those friends and strangers who have supported me so far.... thank you for enabling me to continue to create. May your 2024 be filled with happiness, good health and successes for the future. Pam x

Page last updated 07.04.2024


 At my "Colour Me Happy" Exhibition at Creative Arts Napier.                   December 2023